Friday, September 03, 2004

Thermax : Products for a Healthier Indoor Environment

Thermax : Products for a Healthier Indoor Environment: "The Thermax AF Was Not Designed To Compete With Vacuum Cleaners. It Was Designed To Replace Them.

Stagnant or re-circulated air is a haven for contaminants like dust mites, smoke, aerosol sprays, radon, cleaning chemicals, dust, pollens, mold spores, viruses, cat allergens, animal dander and much more. The EPA estimates that people spend over 90% of their time in an indoor environment such as the home, workplace and automobile where these contaminants are present in the greatest concentrations. This 'indoor pollution' puts your health and the health of your family at risk."

Rainbow Cleaning System - How It Works

Rainbow Cleaning System - How It Works: "Typical vacuum cleaners only pick up SOME of the dirt and debris. Much of the surface dirt that is not picked up falls deeper into the carpet. The Rainbow� e2 TM Power Nozzle has a height adjustment designed to reach the dirt other vacuums leave behind, bringing surfaces to new levels of clean."

Rainbow E series Canister Vacuum Review at

Rainbow E series Canister Vacuum : "Your Rainbow vacuum can be used to Wash the air, which is to clean the dust and dirt out of the air.

It can deodorize the air with different fragrances you can purchase. You place a small amount of the fragrance you like into the water and it releases it into the air making the air smell fresh.

If you have someone sick with a cold or stopped up nose there is a fragrance called Eucalyptus. Place a small amount into the Rainbow vacuum water and what you will smell is a fragrance like Vicks. There you now have a medicated Vaporizer. Leave it running in a room for about ten minutes and it will keep you opened up all night."

My first introduction to the Rainbow vacuum cleaner

The first time I heard of a Rainbow vacuum was in the fall of 1991. My first response was... "who would pay $1000 for a Rainbow vacuum cleaner?". Shows how much prices have changed in 13 years doesn't it. I think the going price for the new Rainbow vacuum series "E" is around $1800. Who would have ever "thunk" it?

Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner Parts and Supplies...

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