Friday, January 07, 2005

Rainbow Cleaning Tips

Rainbow Cleaning Tips: "

Sure - the Rainbow does a fabulous job on floors. But there�s a lot more the Rainbow e2 Home Cleaning System can do for you. Check out just a few of the value-added features built into each and every Rainbow!

Cleaning Cushions and Pillows
Did you know that you can clean your cushions and pillows with the Rainbow? That�s why Rainbow designed the Aerofresh Bag. Here�s how you do it...
Place your cushion in the Aerofresh Bag. With the Upholstery Tool attached to the end of the wand, hold bag tightly around the wand. Turn on the e2, and watch as stale, dusty air is sucked out. Then, without letting go of the bag and wand, attach the hose to the air exhaust on your Rainbow. Your cushion is now being �fluffed� with clean, water-washed air. "

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